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The programs are installed, and the user could use them until just this past week. When I attempted a ping, I got the 'not recognized' response and found your article, but as noted, when I go the envrionment and system variables there is no 'Path' option. Thanks for any input. Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 provides tools and binaries for the Windows platform using GitHub Releases. Installing the SDK Go to the latest stable release, navigate to the Assets section, download and run Intel.RealSense.SDK.exe: Click through several simple steps of the installer: Intel RealSense SD.

Digital Signatures

This option defines which tools are used by Advanced Installer to digitally sign the setup packages.

Advanced Installer will use by default an internal signtool.exe binary with all the necessary dependencies from the latest Windows 10 SDK (version 10.0.19041.0 or newer).

You can also manually select a custom path of SignTool. Only SignTool with version equal or greater than 10.0.1 is supported. If a path of an older version of SignTool.exe is selected, the path will not be saved and the default path will be used.


On Windows 8.1 and earlier operating systems, Signtool.exe requires Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows to be installed on the build machine.

Specify the full path to VsixSignTool.exe after you install it with NuGet. This tool is used to sign VSIX packages.


MsiMsp.exe is a tool used by Advanced Installer to build Windows Installer Patches.

These files can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft Web Site and they are part of Windows SDK.

Java Packing

The JDK (Java Development Kit) is required by Advanced Installer to verify the signature of the JAR files that are packed using Pack200.

The Mac OS Launcher is the Java Application Launcher used in your Mac OS build by the java products that are using Oracle VM. If you specify a custom launcher you should define its custom settings using the MacOS Java Launcher Properties page.


RegAsm.exe is a tool used by Advanced Installer to register a .NET Assembly for COM Interoperability. This tool is part of the .NET Framework.

When necessary, Advanced Installer attempts to find the executables itself. In case of failure, you can specify the exact locations here.

NotExternal Tool Makepri Exe From Windows Sdk Not Found

Symbol Files

Advanced Installer uses SymChk.exe program to check that correct symbols are available by comparing executable files to symbol files.

PdbCopy.exe is a command-line tool used by Advanced Installer that removes private symbol information from a symbol file.

If you are getting the error ‘ADB’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file” while running the ADB command in command prompt or Power Shell, here is the solution.

The Android Debug Bridge a.k.a adb is a command line tool which is a part of Android SDK Bundle and also available individually. Android debug bridge is a simple and practical tool for managing Android devices; it is also an Android simulator, a very important mobile phone tool, belonging to Android SDK, through which you can directly manage or operate your Android emulator, including the real android device, but also system upgrades, software installation, run commands, etc., so that the user will then operate your mobile phone on this computer, including the management of mobile phone data, port mapping Download the uploaded file, etc. You can download ADB files individually from here to flash your smartphone: Download the ADB ZIP file for Windows

So, coming to the main topic of this tutorial, the ADB as the individual package comes in a zipped file which we have to navigate through Command Prompt to run adb and other command line tools for android available in that. However, many times on Windows 10/8/7 when we try to run adb we could get an error “‘adb’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file“. This error appears because there is no system variables for that on computer. Here, we show how to do that but before doing it download JavaSE on your computer if you have not installed it.

Step 4: Set System Variables

Step 1: Download JavaSE

To download and install the Java Run time environment, first visit Oracle’s official website here is the link. On the download page click on the Java Platform (JDK) Download button and then scroll down to all the available platform options. Agree to terms and conditions and then select the Windows _X64_bin.exe.

External Tool Makepri Exe From Windows Sdk Not Found

After downloading double click on the setup and install JavaSE on Windows 10/8/7.

Step 2: My Computer properties

Right click on My Computer icon present on Desktop or in Windows Explorer right side and select the option Properties.

Step 3: Go to Advanced System Settings

On the right side of the system properties, you will find an option “Advanced system Settings” click on that.

Step 4: Set System Variables

External Tool Makepri Exe From Windows Sdk Not Found Windows

Go to Environmental Variables Button and click that.

Double click on Path System Variables

Select the Browse button

Browse the folder where you have the adb files.

For example, in our case, we have downloaded the ADB files on the desktop, so we browsed and selected the same. In the same way, select your ADB folder.

Now the system variables for ADB has set, press OK button and get back to your ADB folder.

External Tool Makepri Exe From Windows Sdk Not Found Windows 7

Step 5: Run ADB command

External Tool Makepri.exe From Windows Sdk Not Found

Open the ADB folder press the Shift key and right-click to select Power shell. In some cases, it could show Command Prompt or both Prompt & Shell. In our case only the Power shell was there, so we selected that.

External Tool Makepri Exe From Windows Sdk Not Found Iphone

Run any ADB command and this time you won’t find the error ‘adb’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file at all.

External Tool Makepri Exe From Windows Sdk Not Found Windows 10

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