User Master Export In Sap Steps


In our previous training tutorials we have learnt about user master record, in this SAP Security training tutorials we are going to discuss briefly about authorization objects of user master record.

Authorization objects of user master record

The user master record contains the following authorization objects.

  1. Object S_USER_GRP
  2. Object S_USER_PRO
  3. Object S_USER_AUTH
  4. Object S_USER_AGR
  5. Object S_USER_TCD
  6. Object S_USER_VAL

1. S_USER_GRP: – This object is used to create master record and assign to a user group

2. S_USER_PRO: -This object is used assign authorization profile to the assign users.

O User master data User master data is only deleted in the target system if a profile is copied with user master data. Prior to Release 4.5B, however, the user addresses are lost when copying customizing without application data. For transports, this restriction still applies. SAPUSER profile to be used to export user master and authorizations in SAP system. So, please select profile as SAPUSER and input the correct target system and target client in which user master needs to be imported later. After that click on “Schedule as Background Job”. User Master Data – User groups, authorization and parameters are included here. By using the SAP authorization concept and company codes, several companies or subsidiaries can be integrated in a single client in the SAP client concept. How to do client copy in SAP? There are 3 client copy methods delivered by SAP. They are as mentioned below: 1. This document is projected to elucidate all master data creation and business process step transaction creations in SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) module. The document contains chapters on the following topics: Master Data Customer Master Pricing Condition Rebate Agreement Output Material Determination Master Data Domestic Sales 4.1 Create Contract Create Sales Order Create Delivery Create.

3. S_USER_AUTH: – This object is used to maintain authorizations

4. S_USER_AGR: – This is one of the important object used for authorize to protect roles, with this object you can specify for which activities the SAP user to be created, modify and display etc.

5. S_USER_TCD: – In this object you can assign particular transaction codes based on the role,.

6. S_USER_VAL: – This object used to authorize the values that the system admin able to change the user profile.


This is the user maintenance screen, with screen you can maintain all the users details with roles

, parameters, authorizations, profiles and so on.

In our next training tutorials we are going to discuss briefly how to create users in SAP system step by step.


To Make the changes in the configuration parameters in theJava Engine
Usrsap<SID>JC<INS>J2eeConfig tool –Unix
1.No Authentication is required to launch the config tool(NoUser ID and Pwd required)
Pre-requisites to launch Config tool
2.J2ee Engine running will be optional
Configtool contains Managers and services
Config Tool is used for change the JVM settings for JavaSystem
Add server process and remove the server process,Increasethe thread count by using the config tool
Config tool contains secure storage area .It maintainsAdministrator and schema user password.
Config tool maintains UME(User management engine ) settings
Any parameter /service changes done then you must restartthe J2ee to effect the parameter changes .
We can find out total no.of users in all our systems likeSAP,.NET,mainframe .This can find in the Active device by using the LDAPProtocol in configtool
It is an offline tool.We can use this tool even J2ee engineis down.
We can Add max server process in a host will be 0-16depending on hardware

Export Sap Data To Excel